1. As stated in the By-Laws, the purposes of the Club shall be:
To promote the development and growth of the sport of lacrosse through the formation of a youth lacrosse league comprised of active youth lacrosse programs in the Sandpoint, Idaho area and the affiliation of such youth lacrosse leagues with U.S. Lacrosse, Inc.
To promote and develop through the operation of a youth lacrosse league knowledge of the rules and skills of lacrosse;
To promote and develop through players participating in youth lacrosse the qualities of sportsmanship, teamwork and respect for coaches, officials and players;
To develop, promote and provide opportunities for coaches and officials to receive training on the rules and skills of lacrosse and the skills necessary to enable coaches and officials to serve as positive role models for youth participating in the sport of lacrosse, with an emphasis on the positive qualities of sportsmanship, teamwork and the building of character; and
In general to do all things as may be appropriate to promote and accomplish any of the foregoing purposes.
2. To fulfill its purpose, the Club expects that coaches abide by a Code of Conduct that embodies basic common sense principles, demonstrates consideration of others, and projects a positive image to our players. The Club recognizes that coaches have the potential to significantly influence youth athletes. By doing this, the Club can further its efforts to maintain the highest possible standards of sportsmanship and to work together for the betterment of the game of lacrosse at all levels. Additionally, every effort will be made to involve each coach in U.S. Lacrosse coach trainings.
3. The Code of Conduct is as follows:
Coaches shall enforce and encourage adherence to the Player Code of Conduct.
Coaches shall specifically encourage sportsmanship and teaching the concepts of fair play are essential to the game, and must be taught and developed both at home and on the field during practices and games. Permitting, encouraging, or condoning performance that is dangerous or demeaning to a player, coach, official, spectator, or anyone connected with the function of the game is unacceptable.
Coaches shall treat each player, opposing coach, parent and official with respect and dignity, regardless of team, race, creed, color, sex, orientation or ability.
Coaches shall attend each practice prepared to teach fundamental skills, and encourage every player to develop and improve their skills through active participation.
Coaches shall uphold the authority of officials assigned to games.
Coaches shall cooperate with the Club in the enforcement of rules and regulations, and shall report all suspected violations of rules, regulations, and codes of conduct.
Coaches shall not use profanity or inappropriate language with players, parents, officials or spectators.
Coaches shall not use drugs or alcohol before or during Club or League events, including games and practices.
Coaches shall not encourage players or others to initiate physical or verbal fights with others.
Coaches shall not engage in any unsportsmanlike conduct during Club or League events, including practices and games.
Coaches shall not engage in illegal activity that would affect their ability to coach, or the reputation of the Club.
Coaches shall not engage in any behavior that would endanger the health or safety of players.
Coaches shall complete and maintain all requirements for coaching by the Club and League.
Coaches shall be subject to the By-Laws of the Club.
Knowledge of the Rules of Lacrosse must be respected and adhered to by all who participate in the game of lacrosse, both in the letter and the spirit of the game. The Rules are designed to protect the players, provide common standards and control the game. Attempts to beat these rules, to take unfair advantage of an opponent, or to teach deliberate unsportsmanlike conduct is considered unacceptable conduct.
4. Unsportsmanlike Conduct is defined as a player, parent, or spectator who at any time while on field or on the grounds of a sanctioned Club event conducts themselves in an abusive, offensive, or illegal manner during game situations or outside of game situations.
This includes but is not exclusive to:
Fighting during practice, games, at school, or elsewhere;
Causing property damage at an event site;
Entering into an argument with an official or umpire as to a decision that has been made;
Attempting in any way to influence the decision of an official or umpire;
Using threatening, profane, or obscene language or gestures at any time during a game or practice;
Baiting, taunting, or any other act which is intended or designed to embarrass, ridicule, or demean others under any circumstances, including on the basis of race, religion, gender, or national origin;
5. Enforcement of these rules shall be in accordance with the By-Laws of this Club.