JOIN us and make a difference for kids with pediatric cancer
Sandpoint Lacrosse has officially accepted the LaCrosse Out Cancer challenge.
Lacrosse players and teams nationwide are joining forces with the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation to raise critically needed funding for pediatric cancer research.
Forty-seven (47) children are diagnosed each day with cancer in the US, and more children under 20 are lost to cancer than any other disease.
Research takes a lot of money and progress is limited by a lack of resources. The largest single funder of research, the federal government, directs just 4 % of its cancer research budget to advancing lifesaving treatments for kids.
Caring communities like ours can help fill the gap.
Here's how YOU can help!
Here are 3 easy ways to support the LaCrosse Out Cancer challenge!
1. Support our campaign fundraiser​
​Click here and make your donation. $1, $5, $10 or any amount you can donate makes a positive difference for kids!
2. Cheer on the Bulldogs. GO, DAWGS!
Come watch our High School Boys' LaCROSSe Out Cancer scrimmage! Scimmage date coming soon. Donate $47 in honor of the 47 kids diagnosed with cancer each day in the US. Click here to donate.
3. Spread the WORD!
Let's make sure EVERYONE in Sandpoint knows about our pledge to LaCrosse Out Cancer and invite them to support our challenge! The best way to get the word out is with social media. Like, comment and share our Facebook post here or our Instagram post here. Not on social media? Forward our TeamSnap email to your friends and family, or text this link to them!
We appreciate your support by helping us complete the LaCrosse Out Cancer challenge! It's a great to way to teach our players to think beyond themselves and give back to kids who are unable to hit the lacrosse field this spring, plus to provide them with a sense of purpose to make a positive difference in the world. Thanks in advance for joining us!
-- The 2024 Sandpoint Lacrosse Board
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Can I write a donation check?
A. Yes! Checks can be made payable to "Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation" or "PCRF", and be mailed to the charity directly at:
Attn: LaCROSSe Out Cancer
2151 Michelson Dr., Suite 180
Irvine, CA 92612
Q. Who is the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation, and where can I find out more about their impact?
A. PCRF is a trusted, national organization that exclusively raises funds for childhood cancer research at top hospitals across the country! To find out more about PCRF and its impact visit, www.pcrf-kids.org.
Q. Is this donation tax deductible?
A. The Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We'll send it to you upon successful completion of your donation.
Got More Questions? Email us.