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We're looking forward to welcoming teams in both boys and girls divisions from across the Northwest to beautiful Sandpoint, Idaho.


There will be food trucks, merchandise, music, and fun for all!


Sorry, NO PETS are allowed on any of the fields nor stadium, per city and school district rules.


General Info


  • Games will run from 8:00am until 6:00pm on Saturday, and 8:00am until 4:00pm on Sunday. Friday games only played by teams that have agreed to playing on Friday night. Each team will play a minimum of 4 games.

  • Games will be played RAIN OR SHINE.

  • Game schedules will be available the week of the event

  • Championship games will be played Sunday, May 12th.

  • We will do our best to have each team play in a format of game-on, game-off, game-on, game-off, game-on. Teams may be scheduled with two games off and in a rare exception three games off.

  • Please be sure to download the TeamSnap Tournaments App and check for updates frequently.  We will do our best to minimize last-minute changes, but they are sometimes unavoidable.



Max. # of Teams per Club

To ensure competitive play and access to the tournament, there will be a limit of 2 teams per division per club.  Any teams registered that exceed this number will be wait-listed. Please contact us with any questions.


2024 Tournament Divisions​


  • 1/2 Boys

  • 3/4 Boys (Gold & Silver)

  • 5/6 Boys (Gold & Silver)

  • 7/8 Boys (Gold & Silver)


  • 3/4 Girls

  • 5/6 Girls

  • 7/8 Girls



Tournament Details


  • Registration has closed, as of May 1st, and registration fees were non-refundable after April 26th.


  • All players and coaches must be current US Lacrosse members. Team rosters including US Lacrosse numbers, player full names, and player birth dates are to be entered into TeamSnap Tournaments no later than APRIL 26th. Rosters will freeze on May 1st.

  • US Lacrosse Rules/Regulations will apply.

  • All games will begin at the top of the hour and operate off of one official game clock



For Coaches


  • The location of the tournament headquarters will be different than last year due to construction at Travers Field. Location TBD

  • The game schedule will be available the week of the tournament, and accessible on the TeamSnap Tournaments app. Download it here.

  • Make sure you check in at the Lax On The Lake Headquarters AT LEAST 30 MIN. BEFORE your first game. 


Tournament Rules


Tournament Rules have been updated and links can be found below. 





Coach and Spectator Conduct Rules

  • Coaches and Spectators will put the emotional and physical well-being of youth participants ahead of a personal desire to win. 

  • Coaches will follow all safety protocols of the league.

  • Coaches and Spectators will respect the decisions of officials. Under no circumstances will Coaches or Spectators engage in an argument with a referee or official. Any discussions or conversations with officials or referees will be in a respectful tone.

  • Coaches and Spectators will treat opposing coaches, athletes, and spectators with respect at all times.

  • Coaches will report any violations of the code of conduct by parents, athletes, or other coaches to the league Board of Directors.

  • Coaches and Spectators will not engage in any violence or verbal threats or use any profanity.

  • Coaches and Spectators will model good sportsmanship for all youth participants.

  • Coaches are directly responsible for the behavior of their spectators. 

  • Any team whose coach, players, or spectators engage in unsportsmanlike conduct may be asked to exit the tournament and forfeit any in-play games.

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